All the latest Kids Inspire news, views and events
Remember a Charity Week 2022
Remember A Charity brings together 200 of the UK's favourite charities to help them continue their excellent work, long into the future.
Their annual 'Remember A Charity Week' campaign takes place on 5th - 11th September 2022, encouraging more people to consider leaving a gift to charity in their Will, after taking care of loved ones. Leaving a gift in your Will to Kids Inspire, after taking care of family and friends, is the ultimate way to pass on something incredible for generations to come.
Take part in our Kids Inspire 15th Birthday Challenge across September
In September, Kids Inspire will officially turn 15 years old since the charity was formed back in 2007. Since then, when our CEO and Clinical Director Sue Bell founded the charity, we have been able to help so many Children, Young People & their Families thanks to your support and donations. To help celebrate this fantastic milestone, we now want to challenge YOU to help fundraise additional money across September.