What are we doing during Children’s Mental Health Week…

…We are busy delivering emotional trauma training to teachers and leaders in Essex, with the aim of making a positive difference to young lives in Essex.

As adults we are often guilty of comparing life through photos and posts we see on social media, and we all know how tough life is for young people these days too. There is social or educational pressure, anxiety or even trauma in so many young lives.

Emotional Trauma training is just one way that Kids Inspire is reaching out to children and young people in Essex. We have the understanding and knowledge of how best to work with children and young people who might be experiencing a mental health imbalance. Thanks to funding from the National Lottery Community Fund we can share this experience and knowledge with teachers, leaders and pastoral support – front-line support.

Recently we asked one of our young people about the emotional support they currently receive in school from their teachers, and they told us:

“The school seems to support more if you have hurt yourself physically – letting you leave class say five minutes early, but emotionally they don’t hear you as much. But this is getting better.” Sian, member of ‘What is it like to be me’

By delivering emotional trauma training to front-line support, together we can all be a part of the journey to a better mental health balance in our young people.

We have a support network for young people aged 13+ – The Voice Forum is a place for members to communicate with the aim of building a social network of peer support; learn life-skills; and develop confidence to reflect on their own mental well-being.


Spring dates for your diary


‘What’s it like to be me’: The premiere