Treasure bags for virtual therapy!

UPDATE 8 April 2020:

News following the delivery of the treasure bags is slowly trickling in, with one of our therapists, Jasmine, telling us: “I delivered a Treasure Bag to one of my clients today and his mum shared some photos with me of him opening his bag up and seeing what was inside. She said:

‘Thank you so much! Please pass on our thanks to all involved with such a kind and thoughtful set of gifts! As you can see, he’s thrilled! Kids Inspire is amazing. Thanks so much again! The strategies and motivational help look fantastic, so I will make sure he keeps it handy.’

Jasmine reported that: “My client was very excited to receive his treasure bag and has adapted very well to online therapy sessions weekly.”

Our treasure bag campaign has closed, however, we are still working with our service users online, as well as receiving referrals to work with mentally vulnerable children, young people, families and key workers who have fallen victim to their new set of circumstances.

We welcome any support that can be spared. Please Donate

Thank you

What’s a treasure bag?

Please Donate Amazon Wish List

A treasure bag is a bag of art, craft and play resources that we’ll be delivering to our vulnerable service users over the coming days (the campaign will be complete by Friday 27 March) offering a vital resource at a time of great need to encourage engagement in creative virtual therapy.

Vital services

Delivery of our services to our vulnerable children young people and families will continue face-to-face in the short-term while we prepare them for a swift shift to virtual therapy. Continuity is vital and we see our mental health services in need now more than ever.

Your help

We have started the Treasure bag campaign already, but we’d welcome your support to make sure we can prepare enough in the short time frame we have available.

direct donation is our preference (bank transfer details below), but we also have an Amazon Wishlist here.

Thank you  

For a Bank Transfer: NatWest 17727731 sort: 60-05-13 (please include your name as ref)


A note for the Class of 2020: School leaver from Friday 20 March


Coronavirus: Useful kid-friendly guides, resources & info for adults