A note for the Class of 2020: School leaver from Friday 20 March

It’s unfair but you know that you’ll get through this.

If someone you know attempts to make light of what you’re missing by finishing school last Friday, ignore it! The truth is only you and your peers know how you feel. If you’re feeling sad, confused and unsure embrace those feelings and make sure you take plenty of time to ‘check-in’ with your peers – they’ll be feeling something similar too.

The closure of school is not a holiday to you, its time that you’ll never get back, you were robbed, but you will get through this.  

There is a lot of uncertainty. Crisis-mode is in action to get us through this tumultuous time, but you are not forgotten. We are thinking about you. We are here for you. We care.

If you’re ready (it might still be too soon) we’d like you to think differently about this unfortunate situation:

“When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is.” – Anonymous

Class leavers of 2020:

  • You’re resilient and innovative

  • You creatively navigate physical and digital spaces leaping between the two with ease

  • You are part of the most diverse generation, embracing differences in ways adults seem to struggle

  • You courageously put yourselves out there for the world to see and criticise

  • You push boundaries and challenge norms.

Remember all the above, then think creatively about how you can pull yourself through this difficult time. Stay ‘social’ by connect online or try to think practically about what you can do to help, do your family or neighbours need your support? 

There is no pandemic strong enough to dent the passion of ‘class 2020’, so keep your head up and keep fighting. The world needs you because you provide hope for our future.

This year may not be what you envisioned, but we’re all eager to see what you do with it.


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