Kids Inspire

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Funder spotlight: The ACT Foundation

ACT helps us to reclaim lives and rebuild futures. Read on to find out how… 

We became a charity partner of the ACT Foundation in 2016 and this partnership will continue into 2019.

The partnership came with a grant that funds a portion of our Reclaiming Lives project – a project that is unrestricted and allows us opportunity to support cases that do not fit criteria elsewhere.

Together we can…

With funding from ACT, we can support not only children and young people, but their families as well.

Quite often following an assessment, our highly experienced Clinical Team might recommend that family therapy or other family therapeutic intervention would best empower a child. Unlike Reclaiming Lives, some of our other funded projects do not allow for this outcome.

We have found that parents or carers through family therapy can be equipped with the emotional tools and means to support or help a child to process difficult feelings, self-regulate and to ultimately strengthen the parent-child bond.


A number of children and young people are being directly supported from the ACT funding, receiving a broad range of interventions to meet individual need. This includes:

  • Specialised therapeutic intervention to address complex issues

  • One to one Mentoring support

  • Parental or family therapy

  • Arts based therapies

  • Indirect support eg. coaching or training to learn new coping strategies

  • Complimentary therapies (CST) regulate an individual’s nervous system and build trust – all important following a traumatic experience.

The ACT funding continues to be crucial for us to be able to support young people who are at an educational, social and/or economic disadvantage resulting from trauma or emerging mental health issues. We are proud to be able to help children and young people to turn their lives around and to give them back their future. We couldn’t do any of this without ongoing funding and support!

Thank you The ACT Foundation.