Fatima Whitbread joins Kids Inspire to celebrate 7th birthday

Olympian Fatima Whitbread MBE joined nearly 100 guests at a party to celebrate the seventh birthday of Essex charity Kids Inspire. The event was held last Thursday (26th September) at County Hall, Chelmsford and the Chairman of the Council, Cllr Kay Twitchen, welcomed guests.

Cllr Twitchen congratulated the charity on becoming an established and vital organisation in the county. Cllr Twitchen also referred to the new partnership between the Council and Kids Inspire, who are now delivering the “Family Bridges” project as one of their ways of supporting young people across Essex.

Fatima Whitbread spoke from her experience of growing up in a children’s home and how important it had been to her to have someone who listened. Fatima Whitbread said that it was vital that Kids Inspire goes from strength to strength, to be there for as many young people as possible.

Kids Inspire Chief Executive and Founder Sue Bell commented, “I am so very grateful to everyone attending who has made Kids Inspire the success that it is today.” Sue Bell then introduced a former client, whose life was put back on track by the support she received from Kids Inspire.

Sue Bell, Fatima Whitbread and guests then cut a birthday cake.

For more information on this challenges or the charity please contact admin@kidsinspire.org.uk or 01245348707


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