Can you host a coffee morning? Fatima Whitbread came to the first one

Olympic Gold medallist Fatima Whitbread MBE opened the first of a series of Kids Inspire coffee mornings. If you could hold a coffee morning, lunch or pamper event to help us please contact either Paula or Rachael at or 01245 348707.

Rachael Bassett opened her house in Hutton for a “Cupcake and Couture” event. An amazing range of clothes, jewellery and homeware were available to buy with a percentage donated to the charity.

Guests were treated to a fantastic selection of cakes to have with their tea or take home. The event raised over £900 which will be used to help local young people in crisis.

Local celebrity Fatima Whitbread opened the event. She said “We can all help others by way of sharing time and resources…there is no reason for anyone to feel neglected, unwanted and unloved. Kids Inspire helps reassure young people that someone cares.”

If you can run a coffee morning for us, you may find the items below useful.Give Paula or Rachael a call on 01245 348707.

Guide –

Invitation –

Attendees & Gift Aid form –


Snowballs & Shopping


Fatima Whitbread joins Kids Inspire to celebrate 7th birthday