Overcoming swimming fear to help Kids Inspire

Jolyon Berry at Birketts Solicitors is working to overcome his fear of swimming in open water, and raising money for Kids Inspire in the process.

Jolyon writes:

My work colleagues at Birketts LLP and I are all trying our best to raise £150,000 for charity, between us.

My Achilles heel has always been a FEAR of deep, dark, cold water. So, a few years ago, I put my name down for a 1 mile swim.

It has taken me about 4 years to be able to swim a mile in open water; I have managed it successfully (i.e. without freaking out) about once. So, just to be sure that I have conquered my fears, I am going to do 2 miles in open water.

As part of my effort to raise money with my colleagues, I am supporting Kids Inspire, who do great work locally with kids who need a little extra help.

You can donate at www.justgiving.com/Jolyon-Berry


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