Christmas Appeal 2018 -that’s a wrap!

Not only did we receive a record numbers of donations, gifts and food hampers, but we also received a 40% increase for recipient nominations – this is the incredibly sad truth of the wonderful Christmas Appeal that touches the hearts of so many every year.

This year, over the first couple of weeks in December, we invited donations, asked for children to be nominated for gifts, and reached out to a community of volunteers for their gift in time – all to bring together the 2018 Christmas Appeal.

With all (almost) gifts and hampers having left the building – carefully wrapped and delivered by volunteer elves – we can share that:
• 700+ gifts for children and young people 0-18 have been delivered
• 165 food hampers have been delivered for families
• Over seven days 70+ volunteers spent over 250 hours, sorting, wrapping and distributing gifts and hampers.

Talking about how the Christmas Appeal first began, our Operations Manager, Vicky Haylock, said: “As with all things at Kids Inspire, our Christmas Appeal started with a child at the centre, a child who we knew wouldn’t quite have the Christmas they deserve. Every year we are completely humbled by the community who are just so willing to lend a hand.”

Throughout the Appeal, we were blessed with hearing some feedback about the difference that the Christmas Appeal was going to make to a child’s Christmas…

One Health Visitor that nominated children and families this year, commented: “Kids inspire what a great charity! Picked up food hampers and toys for families for Christmas! Such great work they do to make families happy at Christmas time!”

While a reminder as to why the Appeal has become bigger year-on-year came after hearing:
“Whilst talking to a family I work with yesterday I was told by the little boy that Santa was poorly so would not be coming this year. A quiet chat with mum revealed this to be true for the family.
“Despite being a week after the cut-off date, Kids inspire came to the rescue; providing presents and food. I cannot thank them, or their supporters enough and only wish they could all see the gratitude and relief I saw on that mums face when I delivered to the family home.”

Now that ‘operation Christmas Appeal 2018’ is complete, we are looking forward to a new and busy year ahead, with Emotional Trauma Training set to be delivered to teachers and leaders, and new projects to launch with the aim of supporting even more young people across Essex.

None of this festive generosity could happen without supporters at the heart of it all, there is a role for everyone interested in supporting us and the team welcomes hearing from potential volunteers/ supporters. Please email to find out how you could be involved.


Spotlight: Barker Associates
