Wellbeing Resources

A collection of wellbeing resources either created by our clinicians and inspired by the therapeutic services we offer, or created by others and recommended by our specialist team.


‘Trauma-Informed Practice Training’

Our training is informed by child development theories, the neurobiology of relationships, nervous system resilience and trauma resolution.

Designed for people who support children (parents, teachers, key workers, community workers, professionals, therapists etc), attendees learn how to recognise behaviours triggered by traumatic experiences, understand how our brains keep us safe and how we respond to trauma.

They are equipped with tools for stabilisation to reduce trauma symptoms in young people and improve their capacity for learning, joy, resilience, self-regulation and social relationships.

New dates and specialisms are being added by our team on a rolling basis.


Mental Health and Wellbeing Presentation (for schools)

A Self-Care Presentation (for individuals and parents/carers of young people)


The Fight Flight Freeze Response (created by Braive)

Bus Metaphor (created by Joe Oliver)


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 A to Z of Wellbeing

Our A to Z of wellbeing ideas or activities.