Kids Inspire

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What a team, what a community!

A look back at Fundraising in 2019

2019 has been a remarkable fundraising year, certainly one for us to remember!

From challenge events; 140-miles from Essex to Amsterdam in the blazing sun to a half-marathon in the wet and rain, to a leap of faith with the Red Devils jumping out of a plane into a skydive!

Many individual supporters felt inspired to take on a personal challenge with two swimming the serpentine in support of our work and another group ‘cycling in memory of Ron’ while also raising vital funds for Kids Inspire. 

We’ve hosted one or two fabulous fundraising events this year too… a night at the races; lunch and afternoon tea; our annual charity ball; golf days; festive shopping; quizes; and family carol service to name just a few!

Plus, we’ve been amazed by the invite from individuals, local organisations and businesses to be their ‘charity of the year’, or to be the named charity for a fundraiser they’re hosting! We’re honoured to know that the work we’re doing in Essex has inspired so many to offer support and to help us raise vital funds.  

The most important part of all of these fundraising challenges, events and activities is YOU. We quite simply couldn’t do all we do without your ongoing support – this includes all the ‘likes, shares and comments’ on our social media channels too.

The #KidsInspireCommunity and #TeamKidsInspire have always been the jewel in the crown to everything that the fundraising team do – we cannot thank you enough!

Here’s to 2020 more challenges, fun and of course fundraising!

Happy New Year!