A final message from Sue Bell…

The children, young people and families that we’ve helped with therapies, mentoring, lunch clubs, community events, ‘what’s it like to be me’, CREW, the voice, coaching, fundraising events and of course our huge Christmas appeal has been stunning.  

The training we’ve provided for social workers, teachers, parents and partner organisations, giving them the tools of stabilisation and trauma resolution and helping them to understand the importance of authentic attuned connection, compassion and love has been far-reaching.  The communities that we are positively impacting is ever-growing and change is happening.  The support we have managed to source making all this possible, creating more opportunities for our service users to thrive.  The difference we have all made this year has been incredible.  

We’ve had our challenges.  Our move to Hargrave House, Great Baddow tested us to our limits.  But together we made the experience an opportunity, and I think you’ll all agree that the space we’ve created is rather wonderful.  

Sadly, referrals for our services continue to flood in.  The need for Kids Inspire to exist is all the more apparent.  The gaps we seek to fill even larger than they were twelve years ago. But together with the #KidsInspireCommunity, anything and everything is possible.  It is thanks to the support, determination and hard work of so many that Kids Inspire can offer the support that it does.   

Thank you for your ongoing support.  Wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year, here’s to 2020!

A final message from Sue Bell…

Posted on 20/12/2019

The children, young people and families that we’ve helped with therapies, mentoring, lunch clubs, community events, ‘what’s it like to be me’, CREW, the voice, coaching, fundraising events and of course our huge Christmas appeal has been stunning.  

Sue at the opening of Hargrave House in September 2019

The training we’ve provided for social workers, teachers, parents and partner organisations, giving them the tools of stabilisation and trauma resolution and helping them to understand the importance of authentic attuned connection, compassion and love has been far-reaching.  The communities that we are positively impacting is ever-growing and change is happening.  The support we have managed to source making all this possible, creating more opportunities for our service users to thrive.  The difference we have all made this year has been incredible.  

We’ve had our challenges.  Our move to Hargrave House, Great Baddow tested us to our limits.  But together we made the experience an opportunity, and I think you’ll all agree that the space we’ve created is rather wonderful.  

Sadly, referrals for our services continue to flood in.  The need for Kids Inspire to exist is all the more apparent.  The gaps we seek to fill even larger than they were twelve years ago. But together with the #KidsInspireCommunity, anything and everything is possible.  It is thanks to the support, determination and hard work of so many that Kids Inspire can offer the support that it does.   

Thank you for your ongoing support.  Wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year, here’s to 2020!

A final message from Sue Bell…


Christmas Party fun!


What a team, what a community!