Volunteer Mentor – Jane

Recently, we asked one of our 48 volunteer Mentors to tell us about her volunteer journey. Here is what Jane Bridgman-Smith had to say:

My Kids Inspire Journey

I remember sitting in my office on a cloudy day in early 2016, thinking that if all I had to offer this world was my organisational skills without any real purpose or value in my life, then something needed to change.  But I was unsure what this change was.  I knew I wanted to make a difference, I knew I wanted to work with kids or animals, but I did not know how I could achieve this.  This was the day I not only started my KI journey, but also the day I started my own journey of self-discovery.

I decided on that cloudy day that I would volunteer, if possible for Kids Inspire as I had heard good things about them and knew that they were really in it for the kids!  I thought mentoring would be a good start, so I signed up for this.  In April 2017 I got my first client who I still have today and it is fair to say that not only have I helped her through her journey, but she has also helped me and has been quite an inspiration to me too.  The mentoring programme has been a life-changing programme for both of us.

They have also previously trained me to deliver Youth Coaching through them too.   A couple of years on and I have spoken about Kids Inspire in front of audiences (some large) and am now an Ambassador for them.  One year ago, I never thought I would ever be able to speak in public, but I have learnt along the way that if you are passionate about your subject matter and know that you have the power to make a difference and can take deep controlled breaths, then it is quite easy really.  Kids Inspire are not only wonderful for the kids who they help, but they are also a real family organisation who I feel privileged to be part of.  I am still on my journey and so is my wonderful mentee, we both look forward to seeing what tomorrow holds for us and that view out of my window is not so cloudy anymore! – Jane Bridgman-Smith


We are always looking for more Volunteer Mentors and would be very interested in hearing more from you if you might like to be a part of the Kids Inspire Community – spending valued time with children and young people in your local area as a ‘professional friend.’

Please email louise@kidsinspire.org.uk for more information.

Training is provided by Kids Inspire, before matching with a young person.


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BBC Essex: All about Kids Inspire, Mentoring, and how to VOTE…