BBC Essex: All about Kids Inspire, Mentoring, and how to VOTE…

Sue Bell, CEO Clinical Director and Founder of Kids Inspire, were invited to the BBC Essex studios last night, along with Jane Bridgman-Smith – Volunteer Mentor and Kids Inspire Ambassador. Click below to listen in…

Intro to Kids Inspire Moving & PLEASE VOTE!

Continuing their tour of Essex, BBC Essex featured the village of Sandon on their evening show, which Kids Inspire neighbours being in Great Baddow directly opposite The Sandon School.

The effective duo spoke about all things ‘Kids Inspire’ covering the foundation of the charity 12 years ago, the need for the therapeutic and mentoring services to ‘plug the gap’ in mental health services for young people, and Jane’s Volunteer Mentor journey.

You can listen in to the first part here and the second part here.

Persimmons Building Futures

Sue made reference to Persimmons Building Futures awards – Kids Inspire is in with a chance to win up to £100k through Persimmons Homes Building Future Fund. VOTE HERE


Volunteer Mentor – Jane


Lunch Club on BBC Essex