Stick Man Play Trail – Kids Who Lunch Club

Visit Parks’ Stick Man Play Trail (Weald Country Park) certainly lived up to expectations when Kids Inspire’s ‘Kids Who Lunch’ club explored the wonders of the woodland last week…

Park ranger Michelle had an action-packed day planned for the ‘Kids Who Lunch’ club, ensuring they learnt valuable skills and gained an appreciation for nature whilst having as much fun as possible in the process!

The kids spent the morning den-building in the woods, an activity which allowed them to use teamwork, communication and creativity. They then enjoyed an energetic stint on the wooden play arena, where they built up an appetite for a healthy picnic lunch. Spirits were high after lunch as Michelle took the group to meet the park’s resident herd of deer. Plenty of deer feed and carrots were available to the children, allowing them to experience hand-feeding the deer, which were very tame!

The day ended on a high when Michelle told the group she would be showing them how to start a camping fire in the woods. The kids showed huge determination when using the fire-lighters supplied by Michelle, as well as demonstrating an outstanding degree of responsibility when it came to maintaining their own and each other’s safety.

Kids Inspire’s ‘Kids Who Lunch’ club had a fantastic day out at Visit Park’s Stick Man Play Trail, an adventure which was made very special by Michelle’s contagious spirit and enthusiasm. Thank you so much to everyone at Visit Parks who made this day possible – Kids Inspire are looking forward to visiting again in the future!


ICAP Charity Day 2017


The ‘Kids Who Lunch’ Club Drumming Workshop