Seven ways our volunteers have supported young people in their communities

Volunteering opportunities at Kids Inspire are diverse: you can train to be a Community Volunteer or mentor, take on ad hoc roles to support delivery of Lunch Club, help at events or even organise community events.

However, what can be said about every single one of our volunteers, despite their different roles, is that they are an invaluable part of the Kids Inspire Community. This blog is a celebration and a thank you to all the volunteer team and all they have achieved. Despite the difficulties of the past 12 months, our supporters have continued to donate their time and passion to helping children, young people and families in their communities. And here are just some of their highlights below:

  1. Two young singer-songwriters Sophie and Greg, supported a group of young people to build their confidence, write music and express themselves on our 15 week Sing My Own Song project

  2. Our mentors have continued to offer a safe place for their mentees, allowing them to discuss any issues and supporting them to access new experiences and develop new life skills

  3. Dedicated volunteer, Pam, and her team of helpers, have continued to run their Chelmsford Market stall (when COVID-19 restrictions allowed), raising vital funds for the families we support

  4. Despite the limitations placed upon them by the pandemic, our volunteers wrapped, organised and delivered gifts to over 1300 children and young people for our Christmas Appeal

  5. Our Lunch Club programme would not be possible without our reliable team of volunteers, who deliver the activity bags and lunches to the families who need it most

  6. Community Volunteer for Basildon, Kerry, organised an Easter event at a local market to reach out to families and give out over 250 Easter Eggs to children and young people

  7. Martyn has donated his time to looking after our garden space at Hargrave House, making the space welcoming for our service users

The last 12 months have had a devastating impact on the wellbeing of young people and our communities. We are incredibly grateful to our volunteers for continuing to support the Kids Inspire community throughout the pandemic as we all worked together to continue to build emotional resilience.

If you are interested in becoming a lifeline for the young people in your local community, you can find out more about the role by signing up to our free ‘Meet the Community Volunteers’ event here, or you can find our more about community volunteering here.


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