May – the month to talk about walking for ‘wellbeing’

Walking is simple, free and one of the easiest ways to get active, lose weight and become healthier.

Alongside the more obvious physical goodness, getting out in and connecting with nature is positive for your mental health and if you choose to walk with others the social aspect is of benefit too.  

You might find regular walking:

  • Improves mood

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Helps you sleep

  • Increases energy levels

  • Helps you to maintain a healthy weight

  • Keeps your muscles and bones strong

  • Increases your cardiovascular fitness

  • Starts conversation

  • Reduces the risk of depression.

If you are considering starting a new routine, or even if you’d like to take on a one-off walking challenge (like one of our supporters) then why not ask some friends and family to sponsor your effort?  

The virtual Fun Walk, throughout September:

We’re looking for families to walk the third party virtual 5 or 2k Fun Walk this year in the name of Kids Inspire, find out more here or simply contact us if you’d like to get involved. We have t-shirts at the ready!


I gift my time to support children and young people’s emotional wellbeing, here’s a little insight…


Seven ways our volunteers have supported young people in their communities