Remember a Charity Week

Leaving a gift to Kids Inspire will help us to continue to be there for young people and their families

Today marks the start of Remember a Charity week 10-16 September 2018 – a charity sector campaign dedicated to how we can ‘pass on something wonderful’

We have not spoken about leaving a gift or ‘legacy’ to Kids Inspire before. However, the impact a gift from you could have for many young people (and their families) recovering from traumatic experiences or dealing with emerging mental health issues is transformational.

One in three mental health problems stem from traumatic childhood experiences. This could be abuse, neglect, sudden bereavement, a physical accident, or other major life transitions.

Kids Inspire was founded in 2007 with the aim that no young person, in Essex, who has experienced trauma should be left unsupported. Our support to referred young people uses a wide range of traditional and innovative therapies. Working holistically with families, each case is individually assessed, and a bespoke treatment plan created.

Akhil, 8

Before – “I find it hard to talk to my parents without getting angry.”

Meeting Kids Inspire – “I spoke to someone at Kids Inspire on my own. We talked about my angry feelings and what I liked and what I didn’t.”

After – “I know that my mum and dad don’t live together anymore but they will listen to me. I know that my mum and dad love me.”

The work we do is to equip young people and their families with the tools needed to manage independently.

Leaving us a gift in your Will could make a real difference to so many young people (and their families) that are recovering from traumatic experiences or dealing with emerging mental health issues.

Your legacy can help to reclaim a life of a young person locally to you.

Find out how we spend the money raised for us here.

Or if you might like to speak to a member of the team about leaving a gift in your will, please email or call on 01245 348707.

Thank you.


Today marks our 11th anniversary


Case consult for Sue Bell with Peter Levine