Kids Inspire

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Lunch Club continues over October half-term

Media Release: 101 lunches for children have been distributed alongside a fun activity this October half-term, overcoming the postponement of yet another round of face-to-face Lunch Clubs.

As with summer, where for the length of the holidays 276 lunches and 200 activity packs were delivered by volunteers to 122 households in and around Chelmsford, October lunches have been well received, with parents saying:

“Amazing thank you so much. The girls get so excited when your delivery arrives.” – Kate, Mum of 2

“Thank you Kids Inspire. You are all amazing.” – Claire, Mum

Lunch Club has been running for 10 years and is important locally for lots of reasons – the social aspect, to encourage trying ‘new things’, for the healthy balanced lunch, and to give parents a break during the holidays.

Fundraising and Communications Manager, Paula Ashfield, said: “Mental health support is the core work at Kids Inspire, yet a welcome supplement has always been a focus on the local community. Outreach is coordinated during school holidays and at Christmas time to help disadvantaged children and their families in the best way we know how – by offering much needed support. For 10-years now our friendly team has led a school holiday ‘Lunch Club’ that is primarily about a healthy lunch, but also about fun activities for our young attendees too.”

Local businesses and other welcome funding sources help to make the Lunch Clubs happen. October’s lunches were gifted by Abigail’s Delicatessen in Ingatestone and Maldon Fruit Supplies donated additional fruit. Red Hill Trust and Yorkshire Building Society are both funders of Lunch Clubs this year.


Notes to editors

Face-to-face Lunch Clubs

Usual face-to-face Lunch Club sessions are facilitated by Kids Inspire’s therapeutic team and include fun wellbeing activities – often using similar ideas to what they deliver in a therapy session.

Additionally, Chelmsford FC regularly runs active wellbeing lunch clubs on behalf of the team – Kids Inspire always welcome their support.

Christmas Lunch Club

It is likely that there will be a Lunch Club provision for Christmas – the scheme does not usually happen due to the logistics and resources of the Christmas Appeal – but with things running differently this year (via delivery as opposed to in-house) a Christmas Lunch Club is looking likely.