Kids Inspire

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Feeling lonely can impact your mental health

People of all ages experience loneliness for different reasons

It could be due to a life event or traumatic experience and not having a social or family network to turn to at their time in need. 

Feeling lonely can have a big impact on your general wellbeing, which in turn impacts your mental health. 

The current pandemic will have caused a lot of people to feel lonely and isolated, but loneliness could also be triggered by:

  • Bereavement 

  • Family split 

  • Moving to a new location or perhaps starting university.

Things that could help: 

Different things can help different people, but what is most important is to take everything at your own pace. Just acknowledging that you are lonely is a big step, but once taken there are things you could do to help yourself to positively impact your mental health.
You could join a social group linked to a hobby or interest or could consider volunteering.

At Kids Inspire we have three ways that people looking to do something different could be involved: 

  • Volunteering  : Come and be A part of the Kids Inspire community

  • Connect socially: For 13-18-year-olds we currently host The Voice Forum

  • Put yourself at the heart of everything you do: Join us for our ‘Week of Wellbeing’ find out how you can improve your own wellbeing while being social. 

Doing just one of these things, with us or seeking opportunity elsewhere, will have positive mental health benefits and directly impact the way you feel. 

Mental Health charity, Mind, has put together this list of useful support if you are looking to find out more or to seek further help. 

If you’d like to try a few DIY options we have this list of resources we hope you will find useful.