Emotional trauma training for Teachers

Emotional trauma and attachment theory training is being delivered to teaching staff and cohorts of frontline professionals across Essex.

Kids Inspire, in their capacity as emotional trauma resolution practitioners, secured funding from the Big Lottery’s Reaching Communities fund to write and deliver an introductory course into key theory relating to trauma and attachment.

The aim of the training is to provide frontline professionals working with children and young people, the understanding of trauma informed practice and the confidence to:

  • Recognise signs and symptoms of emotional trauma

  • Be aware of behaviours associated with trauma and attachment difficulties

  • Acquire ‘tools’ to aid appropriate response to young people whose behaviour is of concern

  • To plan timely and helpful interventions.

The need for specialist training to support early emotional trauma intervention is essential to the wellbeing of children and young people in Essex. In support of the training being delivered the Area Manager of the Children’s Society in Essex, Kerry Clancy-Horner MBE, said: “There is limited trauma support services…Kids Inspire have shown that they have the experience, knowledge and training to fulfil this gap.”

Level 1 training has already been delivered to 280 professionals across 19 schools, with one delegate saying: “I found the content informative and also interesting – leaving us all with a better understanding of how to approach the needs of the children in our school and also in our lives – thank you.”

There are lots more Level 1 training sessions booked, and planning and preparations are underway for Level’s 2 and 3:

  • Level 2 – Learning through experience and acquiring tools that make a difference

  • Level 3 – Reflection, practice and consultation (an opportunity to deepen understanding in relation to children and young people).

Delivery of the training has been shared by Sue Bell, Founder and Clinical Director of Kids Inspire, and Dimitra Theodoropoulou, Kids Inspire’ Clinical Impact Manager, who said: “It’s been such a wonderful experience delivering training that ‘stimulates’ brains. There is a real sense of satisfaction knowing that more and more emotional trauma support for children and young people is available from front line staff, armed with basic tools to prevent future development of mental health issues. We are so grateful of the dedication and commitment of the teachers that have attended this course outside of their working hours.”


Lunch club – February half-term


Spotlight: Barker Associates