COVID-19 Service Update

Following the announcement made by the government this week, we would like to remind you that we remain alert, ready and equipped to support our service users in the coming weeks as children return back to school and we phase into a new normal.  

For months now we have been delivering our therapeutic service online, tailoring the sessions to the needs of individuals and families.

When children return to school on March 8th, we will be inviting a gradual return to Hargrave House for our service users. This will be only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the first instance and a risk assessment will need to be completed before each visit, which asks that visitors remain alert for symptoms of COVID-19. 

We will be updating our operations with the phased easing of restrictions over the next few months.

Our priority remains the health and wellbeing of our team and our service users.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need our support, our Clinical Admin Team are available 8am-6pm daily:


M: 07908 829 550

T:  01245 348707


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