Christmas Party fun!

Its been the first year that we’ve had the space to host a Christmas party, so it was an extra special Christmas being able to invite children from families that regularly attend our holiday lunch club in for a festive party!

It was a Christmas party extraordinaire, with a delicious party buffet lunch, fabulous entertainment from ‘Skittleman’ who played games with the kids (and volunteers) such as ‘What’s in Santa’s sandwich!’ There was traditional dancing, elf jokes and general all-round fun, with each child visiting Father Christmas in his grotto and receiving a gift.

When one of the children, 6-year-old Liam, spoke to Father Christmas, he was heard saying: “This is the best day ever.”

Corporate Supporter, Perrywood, popped in to gift a small crew of volunteers who have gone above and beyond this year, with a festive planter each!

The whole party was a magical event for more than just the kids!

Bev, one of our volunteers said: “I loved being a part of the day today, it was a really special way to get into the festive spirit, and I loved being presented with a stunning festive planter too – what a treat!”

The party was sponsored by local solicitors Gadsby Wicks, to who we are really grateful, thanks too to the Chelmsford Rotary for giving Father Christmas time to visit.


Cycle in support of #TeamKidsInspire


A final message from Sue Bell…