Fundraising ‘Be Inspired’
Our supporters are passionate about fundraising for us, and they are both creative and daring when it comes to charity events
Our supporters have raced along inflatable courses, hosted curry nights and baked a lot of cake all to raise vital funds through thousands of pounds of sponsorship money. The possibilities are endless, and we are here to support you with how you might be inspired to fundraise in support.
If you have a wonderful idea of your own to raise funds for Kids Inspire large or small, party or paint, drive or dive, please get in touch and we will help you to help improve the mental wellbeing of children, young people and their families in Essex.
To get you started we’ve got a few ideas to inspire you below:

Fundraising with food and drink.
Supper Club.
Love tea, cake and your friends, why not host your own ‘Supper Club’ to celebrate?
Bake sale.
A classic and a lot of yummy ‘bake off’ fun!
Garden open days.
Either show off your garden or persuade a local house to open its garden - add tea and cake.
Pub quiz.
Fun with friends! Plus, online quizzing is a useful possibility too!
‘A night in’.
Instead of going out for the evening, why not stay in – invite some friends, cook a meal and donate some of what you all saved to Kids Inspire
Fundraising at work
Most workplaces have a nominated charity, so this is a plea to all employees to please ask your employer to nominate Kids Inspire as their charity of the year. We are happy to meet or speak with your employer to discuss the opportunity.
Collection box
Put a collection box in the kitchen and ask for donations for tea, coffee/ cake.
Challenge the team
Hold a sweepstake, or set up an office challenge
Fancy dress
Choose a theme, invite the office to dress up and send us your pics!
Sponsored silence
Challenge the office for an hour or two… can you do it?

Fundraising at school
Dress down day
A favourite fundraiser for schools and pupils alike!
Sporting fundraiser
A sponsored 1-mile walk or run, or an ‘all school’ yoga session.
‘Wear your wellbeing’
Invite children to dress in a colour that reflects their mood or to choose an outfit that shows how they like to look after their wellbeing - sports gear, PJs or dancewear - let them ‘wear their wellbeing’.
Guess the number of sweets
Fill a jar with sweets, take it around each class – for a £1 donation have a guess and the closest answer wins the treats!
Parent quiz night
Invite parents to be involved.
Fundraising top tip
An easy way to raise sponsorship for your fundraising activity or event is to create an online fundraising page with Just Giving and email, tweet and share your link on Facebook to all of your friends, family and colleagues. It’s a simple and effective way to collect funds!
Fundraising resources
Planning to take on a challenge? Let people know by downloading our Fundraising resources.
Other top charity fundraising ideas
Auction of promises
Book sale
Cake sale
Car boot sale
Chocolate ban
Coffee morning
Concert or band night
Donate your skills
Office bingo
Whatever you choose, tell us. You may like to write a blog or post about your experience. We would love to hear from you
Cycle Ride 2023
What an day this cycle ride turned out to be!
Fundraising fun
Take a look how our supporters helped to raise funds during 2022.
Schools Fundraising
We are so grateful for the fundraising support that schools offer us.