I am a young person referring myself for mental health support
You are feeling anxious/low/sad/or worried and have chosen to contact Kids Inspire for support. Below is a step-by-step of what you can expect to happen:
A member of the Kids Inspire team will answer your call/email, talking to you about how you are feeling and what you are experiencing. They will listen to your story, prompting if needed, taking detailed notes and find out if one-to-one or group support would suit you best.
During the call/email our team will take your own contact details and ask if your parents/carers are aware of your call. Before any contact is made with parents/carers our team will find out how you feel about us speaking to them and (depending on your age) you will be encouraged to tell them about your phone call.
If you are 16 and under, consent from your parents/carers is necessary before support can be offered.
Once your phone call/email and story have been logged, we will contact you to agree on a time and date to meet.
Support is delivered either face to face or online.
Page updated: 20 January 2025