
Hear how our Sing My Own Song project helped 16 year old, Emma, to build confidence, from the perspective of her mum:

It has been three and a half years since Emma felt comfortable enough to be in a group environment with her peers. Her mainstream school experience irreparably damaged what little confidence she had, to the extent that, after specialist assessment, she is considered to have literally been traumatised by it. Bullying from so many directions and the incidents that followed left her a very broken little girl. We are only now beginning to put those pieces back together again…

The wonderful Sing My Own Song project and the incredible work that Fiona and her team do has been the pivotal catalyst for her growing self esteem and capacity to enjoy life once again. 

With their enduring patience and empathic approach, Emma never ever felt ‘less’ because of struggling to be on screen during online sessions. Similarly, by being so supportive of her need to do things gradually and at her own pace, it was possible for her to emerge from her shell at last, at least verbally to begin with. 

Emma’s in person attendance for the final session, was a little miracle for this family. It has literally been life changing, as she considers further forays into group environments, and with a view to an eventual college place. For too long, her negative experiences, have kept her almost totally imprisoned by fear. This project has planted the seeds of optimism and aspiration in Emma once again. 

Thank you is not enough. We have no words to describe our gratitude and deep appreciation.