We’ve moved to Great Baddow

Hello from Hargrave House!

After just two weeks of packing up and preparing Hargrave House, Kids Inspire has now moved premises to a site off Molrams Lane in Great Baddow. Hargrave House has ample space to deliver emotional and mental health therapy, and mentoring services to children, young people and their families.

During the move, we have been fortunate with volunteer support on our relocation journey, with over 100 supporters and employees volunteering hundreds of hours to the job of painting, decorating, gardening, moving and preparing Hargrave House for the transition from Fox Crescent.

Kids Inspire had been homed in Fox Crescent, Melbourne, Chelmsford for 12 years. Our new home remains in the heart of the Essex community with a central location in Great Baddow, Chelmsford.


Six-week countdown successes!


On this day in 7 weeks time…