West Ham FC bring festive fun to Essex Christmas markets!

Kids Inspire was named charity of the year at two local festive events this past weekend. Monies raised will make a positive difference to young people across Essex and this is all thanks to the generosity of those in attendance and the organisations which manage the events.

On Saturday 7 December, Stock Village Christmas Market chose Kids Inspire as one of two named charities for the annual festive event.

While on Sunday 8 December, Kids Inspire were chosen as the charity of the year for the annual Christmas Market in Shenfield.

Organised and sponsored by local Solicitors, Rainer Hughes, a highlight at Shenfield was a visit from Carlton Cole & Marlon Harewood from football team West Ham United. One of the talented team held a claret and blue ‘Worry Buddy’ as his mascot for the day, while Jack Sullivan and other representatives from West Ham ladies team joined in the festivities holding fundraising buckets and happily posing for photos with fans throughout the day.

Additionally, Barclays hosted a Santa’s Grotto and Rainer Hughes a gaming bus, while other shops supported the fundraising by holding their own hamper raffles and collecting pots! Proceeds will all go towards making a positive difference to children across Essex.

Jason Panesar, Practice Consultant from Rainer Hughes commented: “The Rainer Hughes team sponsored both the Gaming Bus and Santa Grotto. Over 20 staff volunteered over the weekend to help set up and run both facilities. The event was a real success and Rainer Hughes was helped by Jack Sullivan, Carlton Cole and Marlon Harewood from West Ham FC.”

Rachael Basset, Kids Inspire Fundraiser said: “We were so pleased to be named charity at not one but two Christmas events. These events are not just about monies raised, but also about the opportunity to get out and about locally to tell people about the work we do.

This weekend has been busy but it has really got us all into the Christmas spirit. It is satisfying to know that all efforts will make a positive difference to young lives across Essex. Thank you to the local businesses and organisations that have well and truly shown us the true spirit of ‘giving at Christmas’.”

At both Christmas markets, the Kids Inspire fundraising Team hosted a stall selling reindeer food, sweets, a teddy tombola, Christmas Eve books and the iconic Worry Buddy’s – all hand-knitted by a team of Kids Inspire supporters.


The Christmas Appeal


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