Kids Inspire

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The Fun Walk Trust – our first year of taking part

Back in the early September sunshine, we invited our supporters to take part in a Fun Walk, and support us they did.

Not only did our supporters have a fun day out after choosing to walk 3 miles or take part in a 1 mile stroll, but they raised plenty of funds for Kids Inspire too.

Looking back to all the fun enjoyed and the enthusiasm experienced on the day, we were even more delighted to receive match funding for funds already raised by the families that took part.

We were presented with the cheque by the Fun Walk Committee this week.

Thanks to everyone that took part, and thanks to the Fun Walk Committee too!

Here is to next years event…

About the Fun Walk

John Baron MP and his team started The Fun Walk in 2002 to commemorate the Queen’s Golden Jubilee. John has since chaired the Committee.

The Committee organises the walk and takes care of all the paperwork, including the supply of sponsorship forms. This leaves the projects free to focus on raising sponsorship money and enjoying the day.