Kids Inspire

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New batch of worry monsters

Look what has just arrived at Kids Inspire head quarters a new batch of WORRY MONSTERS! All have been carefully designed and knitted by our wonderful volunteer, Jenny, who is a part of Chelmsford’s Centre Supporting Voluntary Action.

The idea behind a worry monster, is for a child or young person to write down and share any worries they might have with their monster and for it to be either ‘chewed up’ and taken away by a parent or carer, or for the worry to be shared openly and discussed with whomever the child/ young person chooses.

Each monster comes with the little introductory tag:

“I am your personal Worry Monster, and I am always here.

When worries creep into your mind don’t let them turn to fear. Take a piece of paper, write down what’s in your head.

Write down your doubts, bad dreams and woes, and give them to me instead. I’ll gobble them up and munch them down.

I’ll chomp and chow and chew. In the morning they’ll all be gone and you can start your day brand new.”

The activity will enable insight  and open up communication into worries or anxieties that could easily be removed by a parent or carer. Both therapists and our volunteer mentors will offer a  Worry Monster if they see a child or young person engaging with it.