Kids Inspire’s Spring Golf Day is a great success

On Friday 27th April 80 golfers joined us at Stock Brook Manor for our first Spring Golf Day. After a bacon roll breakfast we had a great Stapleford Competition, despite torrential rain after 9 holes. Reiss Rasmussen’s Team came first with Subway Team a close second. Ann Lewis won the ladies Individual competition, Sean Tyrie from Promo won the men’s with a fantastic 45 points.

Once we were dried off we enjoyed a hearty dinner with a silent auction, prize giving and raffle. We were delighted to raise £6,000 at the event.

Thank you so much to our main sponsor Lookers Ford who displayed cars around the course, Stock Brook Golf Club who went above and beyond to accommodate us and the following businesses who sponsored a hole on the course:

Sharpe Pritchard

Baker Labels

John Fowlers LLP

Pro Tax Accounting

W.K. Webster

Launch Insurance


“Thank you for such a well organised day” Stock Brook Vice – Captain


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Kids Inspire Week