Here is how you can support the wellbeing of young people and children in your local community…

…make stronger connections, learn new skills and organise exciting events. Training to be a Community Volunteer will help to bridge the gap for support into your local area.

***You’re invited to meet the Community Volunteer, online, Wednesday 9 June at 5.30pm***

Our team of Community Volunteers nurture, build, sustain and grow relationships between people, bringing them together for the benefit of children and young people.


Dedicated Community Volunteer, Kerry, organised a recent event in Basildon where she connected with local families, talking to them about youth mental health and handing out tasty treats.

She said:

“I love nothing more than planning and running fun events for local children and seeing so many happy faces.”

As a new Community Volunteer, you will be invited to attend specialist training, looking at the principles of community development, youth wellbeing, event organisation, and creating an action plan for your local area.

Through community volunteering, you can become more connected, actively building relationships through organising community events (fun days, festivals, picnics, meetings) and find new like-minded friends.

Join us, Wednesday 9 June, 5.30pm when we will be talking to some of our Community Volunteers live on Zoom, come along and find out more about their experiences and how you can get involved.

  • What is volunteering

  • How is a Community Volunteer role flexible around you?

  • What do you get from volunteering?

Book your free ticket here Or email for more information.


Community volunteers can be from across Essex, all we need is the passion and time to make a difference to the young people in your local area.


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