GUEST BLOG: Invest Essex is aiming high for Kids Inspire

Invest Essex is one of our corporate supporters and two members of the team will be taking on a Sky Dive in support of the Kids Inspire community.

Hear below from David and Laura to find out why they have taken on this personal challenge and to find out if they are feeling nervous ahead of their big jump!

David Rooke, Invest Essex Location Services Director

Tell us a bit about your challenge and why you are doing it?

Since becoming aware of the work of Kids Inspire, I have admired what they do and the support they provide to young people. That assistance is much-needed in helping young people who have been subjected to difficult and challenging experiences, or forms of abuse, that could, if left, result in major long-term mental health issues.

A similar organisation also provided comparable support to someone very close to me and I firmly believe that without their help that person would be in a very different place right now – a place that I suspect would be extremely grim.

How are you feeling about your challenge?

I am excited about the challenge itself but even more excited about the prospect of raising significant sums of money that could help make a real difference to young people. Those funds could help them through difficult times and hopefully provide them with the support that enables them to go into adulthood with positive minds and optimism to live their lives to the full.

On the day of the challenge, what are you hoping to feel?

To skydive with the world famous Red Devils – having seen them many times from childhood at various air shows and events – is a real privilege. I have a target fundraising figure in my mind (£5,000) which, if we could achieve or ideally exceed it, will be a real achievement that I would be truly proud of.

Laura Smith, Invest Essex Office Manager

Tell us a bit about your challenge and why you are doing it?

A skydive has always been something on my ‘bucket list’ but, to be given the opportunity to raise money for Kids Inspire at the same time, made it seem like the perfect opportunity. They are a fantastic charity and the work they do to support the young people of Essex is amazing. I truly hope that we can raise as much money as possible for them but I’m also hoping the dive will help me overcome my fear of putting my life in someone else’s hands.

How are you feeling about your challenge?

I feel a mixture of emotions but mainly nervous at the moment as I’ve never been the type to step out of my comfort zone. However, I’m sure – once my feet are firmly back on the ground – I shall be thinking what was all that worry for!

On the day of the challenge, what are you hoping to feel?

I’m looking forward to experiencing ‘flying’ and having that sense of achievement once I have realised I have landed in one piece! However, my main hope is to raise as much as we can for the charity and to just try and enjoy every minute.

To read more about David and Laura’s story or to donate please CLICK HERE.


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