Giving Tuesday

This Giving Tuesday we are elated to share with you an animation that has been created, edited and professionally put together for us to use. 

iSite TV met one of our fundraisers a year ago and pledged then to support us and the work we do with children, young people, and their families, in two ways:

  • To raise funds for Kids Inspire by hosting events and completing challenges

  • By doing what they do best and creating us an animation for us to share widely with you all.

We think that the animation tells you a little more about the work we do, the children, young people and their families that we work with, and together how we can reclaim lives and rebuild futures.

Please feel free to share this animation and to tell people about Kids Inspire.

Any gift you can make to us, no matter how small is welcome. 

Thank you 


Subtitled Animation


Christmas Cheer in Basildon – 30 Nov & 1 Dec


Festive fundraising brings cheer to all