10-Week countdown

The 10-week countdown until the start of the 140-mile Essex to Amsterdam cycle is on!

To celebrate the start of the countdown we spoke to one of daring 30 cyclists, Dave Walsh, to find out how he is feeling and preparing for his challenge.

For the past 35 years, I have worked in the City for ICAP and recently retired. I have decided to be open-minded and set myself some goals for retirement, one of them has been to take part in this challenge.

Being Dad to three boys, and my wife being a keen supporter of Kids Inspire, I want the money I raise to continue the good work the charity does.

For the past 10 years, I have been part of a cycling group of 20 people called the ‘Shenfield Shifters’, however, I am a fair-weather cyclist so only usually train outside for the Spring and Summer months.  During winter I stick to Spin classes. I usually aim for around 100-miles a week. 

I don’t really have a training plan that I am rigidly sticking to – although I have been grateful for the homemade sausage rolls Rachael (one of Kids Inspire’s Fundraisers and friend to Dave) is supplying me with!

I am confident about the ride and looking forward to seeing Amsterdam only having only been there before on stag weekends!

I will be taking part in the ride alongside my school friend and fellow West Ham Season Ticket Holder Martin Rose. Despite being friends for over 40-years, and both of us being keen cyclists, we have never cycled together!

I am hoping to have good weather and prevailing winds, a smooth ride and a good night to celebrate in Amsterdam.

We wish Dave luck for the forthcoming bespoke cycle ride and look forward to seeing him on the finish line in Amsterdam!

Contributions to Dave’s challenge are welcome and you can find his fundraising page by clicking here.


Essex to Amsterdam 9-weeks to go…


Global’s Make Some Noise grants £95,000