Kids Inspire

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Donated Christmas gifts to those in need

For Christmas 2014, the annual Kids Inspire Appeal delivered over 300 presents (a record number) to children who might otherwise miss out.

Two of the many kind helpers and donors were local paramedics. Liz Little and Steve Hudson each have toddlers of their own. They heard about the Christmas appeal and wanted to help.

The pair of East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) paramedics sent out a rallying call to colleagues across the mid-Essex stations. They rounded up the presents and delivered them to Kids Inspire for sorting and wrapping.

Liz, who lives in Maldon and is based at Burnham station, said: “We are aware that Christmas can be quite a sad time of year for some people. We found the Kids Inspire charity and started a Facebook group last week. We want to say a big thank you to members of staff who have been so generous and donated gifts.”

Steve, who lives in Chelmsford and is based in Chelmsford, added: “We are really grateful because staff have gone out of their way to take presents to central points for us.”

The gifts, which also include food hampers, were delivered to children and families in mid and north Essex.

Sue Bell, founder and Chief Executive of Kids Inspire, said: “We have had a huge response this year which has been really wonderful to see. Our offices were quite literally full. These gifts are going to children and to families that struggle to put food on the table throughout the year and wouldn’t otherwise be having presents.”

We would also like to thank the following groups for kindly donating presents:


Prettys Solicitors

Chelmsford Round Table 

Essex Chambers of Commerce

and also many individuals.