Dedham Therapy Farm’s very own Nurture Dogs came to visit!

Kids Inspire’s Young People’s Forum (YPF) were full of excited anticipation last week, as Dedham Therapy Farm’s very own Nurture Dogs came to visit!

As unabashed dog lovers, the energy at Kids Inspire HQ couldn’t have been more electric as the time came to meet Nurture Dogs Cookie, Mila, Tom, Badger & Bumble. Each loveable pooch is a trained therapy dog and has its own character, making for the perfect group dynamic in which there’s a dog to fit every person’s needs. For example, Tom the ‘gentle giant’ seems to be extra-sensitive when it comes to human energy, allowing him to respond to those who need calming vibes. On the other hand, Cookie the playful Collie pup could lift the energy of anybody feeling a bit down and was definitely the favourite!

As well as telling us a bit about each Nurture Dog and their individual personality, Gillian and David gave comprehensive information about animal therapy, including the science behind unique bonds between human and canine. The young people were really interested in learning about animal therapy, with one young man researching the subject in some depth prior to our meeting.

The co-lead session proved to be a hugely positive experience for the young people attending, who will be giving their feedback at the next session. The possibility for future collaboration seems to be a promising one. Watch this space!


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