Crowdfunding with Aviva!

Mentoring young people to save lives is the name of our carefully proposed crowdfunding campaign.

Click here  Crowdfunding!

Mentor’s make a genuine difference, motivating children to make positive choices, overcome challenges and increase their confidence.

“The role of a mentor is extremely fulfilling – building a relationship with a young person and seeing them grow., as well as having fun times together.”

Kids Inspire have provided Mentoring services to Children and Young People for 11 years to offer support to young people in Essex with issues including;

  • Peer relationships

  • Bullying

  • Risk of exclusion

  • School avoidance

“It’s like walking side by side with the young person.” (Mentor) 

Experienced Mentors are also trained to support those with more complex and long-term difficulties that stem from:

  • Family dysfunction

  • Social isolation and loneliness

  • Domestic violence

  • Abuse

We urgently need to train 25 new mentors who will be matched with mentees to receive weekly support within a positive relationship outside the family environment and in the community.

The mentoring crowdfunder has been live for one-week, and we’re grateful to be at over 30% of our target already! And this includes support from Aviva employees themselves, who have £15 each to pledge towards a project of their choice.

“It was good that I could talk about how I was feeling.” (Child) 


Sing my own song!


Charity cycle ride takes a choppy turn!