Charity lunch opens up about how ‘one size’ of therapy does not fit all children

Over 100 ladies heard how therapy for children’s mental health and wellbeing is tailored on a case by case basis during a fundraising lunch in support of Kids Inspire.

Shopping, fashion, a delicious two-course lunch and prosecco were all on the agenda for the leisurely lunch at the Channels Estate in Little Waltham on Friday 22 March.

The event successfully raised funds to go towards individual, family, or group therapeutic support for children, young people, and their families in Essex.

The room was a mix of familiar supporters and new faces to the charity, all listened intently to an introduction and direct appeal from Founder and CEO Sue Bell, who said“Funds from dedicated days such as this one, are all spent on children and young people that don’t obviously fit into some of our more structured therapeutic projects. ‘One size’ of therapy does not fit all, and vital funds from this lunch will help us to create bespoke treatment plans using our range of traditional and innovative counselling and therapies.”

Marian Delaney, from Writtle, who was attending a Kids Inspire fundraising event for the first time, commented: “I found the lunch a really inspiring day. I learnt lots about Kids Inspire – how they look at each child individually, and importantly how they are a local charity working with local families in the heart of the community. I would like to continue to support the charity in any way I can after hearing about the difference they make.”

As well as a raffle, fashion, home and confectionery market stalls, diners were additionally treated to an informal fashion show hosted by Tallulah Blue and Dress Net.

Fundraising events are ongoing at Kids Inspire.


‘Stay Alive’ support service


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