BBC Essex volunteer appeal

BBC Essex’s Drivetime Presenter Dave Monk gave Kids Inspire some amazing airtime this afternoon during his Drive Time Show to help boost the number of volunteers onsite at Hargrave House tomorrow (Thursday 9 May).

You can listen to Volunteer Coordinator, Louise McConnell talking to Dave Monk here.

Thursday is all set to be a huge day of DIY as it’s the final day that Hargrave House will be empty before everything (furniture, files, creative equipment, chairs etc) start making its way over on Friday (10 May) as we say our final goodbyes to Fox Crescent.

Thanks to all the generous volunteers that have been involved so far and thanks too to the local businesses that have helped us to get this far in such a short space of time.

One final thanks must go to Dave Monk, who honourably gifts his time as Trustee to Kids Inspire.

We wouldn’t be where we are today without the HUGE generosity and compassion of so many, and it is times like these that we are overjoyed that so many wish to help our community and cause.

Kids Inspire is a children’s charity that is centred right here in the Essex community, gifted donations are what keeps the charity up and running. We would be truly grateful for anything that you could gift, however small or big. Thank you



On this day in 7 weeks time…


Throw yourself out of a plane for charity – why not?