Kids Inspire

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4-week countdown – Essex to Amsterdam

With just four weeks to go, Sue King – one of our wonderful supporters cycling 140-miles in four weeks time – has chosen to share her story with us as a part of our 10-week countdown.

Sue has experienced first-hand the support on offer via Kids Inspire services. She chose to take on the Essex to Amsterdam cycling challenge as she knows how important it is to fundraise in support of a charitable service – thank you Sue.

Please tell us why you decided to take on the challenge?

“I have been involved with Kids Inspire since it started over 11 years ago and as a family, we have been on the receiving end of the help KI offer.  

There is so little help for kids through traditional services, KI fills that gap. Fundraising means that KI has more flexibility over how funds are used.”

How is your training going? What have you been doing?

“Training is going well and now the weather is being kind it is lovely to be out in the fresh air.  Some of us have taken part in Sportive events to get our mileage up.  We are trying to get to over 50 miles before the day and have tackled North Hill in Danbury to cope with inclines on the route.”

What do you know about Kids Inspire and do you know how your fundraising could make a difference?

“Kids Inspire is an amazing charity and I have seen first-hand through working and volunteering, the difference their work can make to the life of a child.

Many young people are referred to Kids Inspire because other support agencies consider them ‘too complex’ to help.”

 You can read more from Sue here or donate in support of her challenge.