Kids Inspire

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39 cyclists’ bike 140-miles from Essex to Amsterdam raising over £75k

Over £75k is the total fundraised by this immense challenge and 5,372 is the combined total of miles cycled by 39 individuals in support of Kids Inspire!

On Friday 28 June, the bespoke challenge event – a first for the Fundraising Team at Kids Inspire – started from Hargrave House in Great Baddow, the Head Office for the local children’s mental health charity.

Ahead of the ride the team were treated to a breakfast cooked by the Rapid Relief Team, who are neighbours and supporters having already cooked up feasts for Kids Inspire events previously.  

Cycling in soaring temperatures, the 39-strong team biked 75 miles to Harwich, via Finchingfield, Nayland and Ramsay before joining the Ferry for an overnight crossing to the Hook of Holland.

On day 2 (Saturday 29 June) the group cycled on towards the Dutch capital using the flat cycle paths of Holland, hugging the coast and passing beaches and coves at Scheveningen and Noordwijk-Bennen along the way. The 65-mile journey took them through the Hague and some typical Dutch towns before reaching the finishing point at Rijksmuseum.

Cyclists were made up of corporate supporters, individuals, and Sue Bell – CEO and Founder of Kids Inspire.

Sue cycled 52-miles of the challenge after falling during training and sustaining cracked ribs as a result, she had this to say: “That cycle ride was without doubt one of the major challenges of my life. I am so proud that in blazing heat, with cracked ribs, I managed 52 miles!

“I chose to take on this first bespoke challenge as I listen daily to the tragic stories of children who have had their childhood stolen because of abuse, neglect and trauma, The needs of these children are often complex and require a specialist team approach to make a difference and give the child hope that life can be different, better and that they deserve to feel happy.”

Baker Associates, based in Braintree, is a corporate supporter of Kids Inspire who has been involved in the recent relocation of the local children’s charity. Feeling inspired, two Partners – Stuart White and William Bidewell – took on the challenge raising £2.4k in vital funds. Stuart said: “It has been an amazing experience! We are so pleased to have been able to participate and support Kids Inspire; these vital funds will go a long way in providing support to children who urgently need it. We are extremely grateful to all the support, encouragement and generous donations received for this good cause.”

Other cyclists went on to say: “I’m still buzzing from an amazing weekend and meeting so many wonderful people.” – Mark

“Massive thank you to Chapeau and Kids Inspire, I had an amazing time and it was all so well organised and everyone was so nice.” – Stephanie

The combined total raised will support Kids Inspire to continue delivering it’s multi-generational approach for every child and young person that the charity works with. Through proactive listening and therapeutic practice, Kids Inspire promotes self-resilience, greater self-awareness, and relationship building to empower more positive life choices.