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Trailblazer for additional mental health services to come to Essex

BBC Essex (click for intro) spoke to Sue Bell yesterday about new funding that has come into county for Children and Young People in mid and south Essex.

Essex Children and young people will be among the first to benefit from the ambitions of the Government’s Green Paper for Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health after being selected to be one of the NHS Trailblazer sites. This pilot means additional investment to develop Mental Health Support Teams for Schools and Colleges.

In response to BBC Essex’s question, ‘will this take the problem away from teachers’, Sue said:

“I think it’s important that everybody that’s involved in the life of a child remains involved.

“My hope would be that more specialist support can be given to make teachers feel that they’re not solely responsible for the mental wellness of a child.”

Sue went on to say, that the additional funding is welcome: “there is always going to be a need for more, because there is such a growing need for children that are suffering with emerging mental health issues.”

Click to hear more from Sue’s interview on BBC Essex here.