Kids Inspire

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The Kids Inspire Cycle Team Ride Again.

Huge thanks to Martyn Mead who, along with Roger Stevenson and David Murphy, took on the mammoth challenge of cycling the East Anglian Coast, a massive 255 km, to raise funds for Kids Inspire & Melanoma over the Bank Holiday weekend.

The boys raised a whooping £17k for the two charities and did so with determination and a smile on what proved to be testing conditions. The team could also not have taken on the challenge without the fantastic support team, Greyman Cain and Ash Lea Stevenson.

The Fundraising Team are so proud of these guys, riding in memory of Martyn’s wife Tracy Mead who was a great supporter of both charities but sadly lost her own fight with cancer.

It just proved the saying – not all Superheroes wear capes