Kids Inspire

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Pancake Day Challenge

This Pancake Day we are running two fun challenges that will encourage families to get creative and support KI by hopefully raising much needed funds. 


Challenge 1: Pancake Decorating 

We want to see your best decorated pancake!  

You can use sauces, fruits, chocolate chips or any other edible decorations to make the pancake look creative and fun!  

Will your pancake have a face? Will it be an animal, a dinosaur or an astronaut? What colours will you use? The possibilities are endless! 

If you want to take it to the next level- you could add food dye to your mix and create some pancake art in the pan!  


Challenge 2: Pancake Flipping 

Grab a cold pan and see how high you can flip a cold pancake before catching it! 

This can be done indoors or, if you’re feeling confident, you could head outside to get some extra height. 


How to Enter 

  • Parents/Guardians please send a photo of the decorated pancake or a video of the pancake flipping to or you can DM us on Facebook or Instagram.

  • We are encouraging participants to make a donation to Kids Inspire, you can do this through the button at the top of this page.

  • We will share entries on our social media, so please only send pictures or videos you are happy for us to share. 

  • Deadline- 11:59pm on Pancake Day 2021 



  • One of our Senior Art Therapists, Vicky, will be looking at the entries and choosing one winner for each of the two challenges.

  • The winners will be announced on Wednesday 17th February 2021.

  • The winners will receive a small hamper full of creative resources.


The most important thing is that children have fun, have a chance to express themselves through art and get some tasty treats in the process.  

We look forward to seeing your efforts.