Kids Inspire

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Kids Inspire Supports Children’s Mental Health Week!

We are delighted to support #childrensmentalhealthweek

Children’s Mental Health week runs from 5th to 11th February 2018.

This is a week when everyone who is involved in children’s lives can talk about and address mental health issues and emotional wellbeing.

The theme of this year’s event is #BeingOurselves which is intended to encourage children to think positively about themselves and improve their self-esteem.

Kids Inspire – providing vital mental health support to children and young people in Essex

We support children and young people who experience trauma or emerging mental health issues. For example they may have experienced sexual or domestic abuse, separation anxiety or significant loss. In short we help young people turn their lives around and we give them back their future.

We work with children and young people throughout Essex and our bespoke packages of support includes:

* Individual therapy

* Coaching (support to improve emotional health and mental wellbeing)

* Mentoring (support and guidance on a one-to-one basis, provided by trained volunteers)

* Group work – including Kids Who Lunch Club during the school holidays , as well as dramatherapy and filmmaking

Find out more about Children’s Mental Health Week