Kids Inspire

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Happicabs take Kids Inspire to the zoo!

This Easter holidays saw Happicabs Chelmsford team up with Kids Inspire to take 24 children and their families to Colchester Zoo.

The day started off at Kids Inspire HQ in Chelsmford with Happicabs drivers in high spirits at 8.30am, decorating their cars with brightly coloured balloons and Kids Inspired stickers to raise awareness for the charity on their way.

Tickets, lunch and spending money for the day were provided courtesy of Happicabs.

Waqas Hussain, one of the brothers behind HappiCabs said

“With all the children, staff and volunteers we nearly filled the zoo’s restaurant and it was great to see our hard workings drivers getting the chance to relax and eat together”

“With the sun most definitely out it was the perfect day to walk around in the sunshine with an ice-cream and we managed to see all the best parts of the zoo, including a lovely new-born Lemur surrounded by its family, and the new baby rhinoceros and mum. The whole team got involved in feeding the donkeys, and a few braved walking around with some very cheeky goats. A real highlight was one brave young boy getting to stroke a snake – Some of the drivers wouldn’t dream of it!”

All in all, it was a fantastic day and each of the children even got their own goodie bags filled with chocolates, pencils and animal-themed gifts to take home with them.

Katharine Loveday, our Corporate Fundraiser added

“We would like to say a huge thank you to Umar and Waqas for their incredible generosity in putting on the event, plus the fantastic team of Happicabs taxi drivers who gave up their day to help a good cause”.