Kids Inspire

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Fundraisers spotlight: Community supporters #YouMadeItHappen

It’s thanks to our wonderful community of supporters that we are becoming better known within Essex for the work we do.

Our passionate network of individual fundraisers, volunteers and supporters do so much in the name of Kids Inspire, and in turn for the children and families that we support.

Ahead of #YouMadeItHappen day on Monday 19 November, we would like to share with you just a few recent acts of kindness that our supporters have organised and run with:

Autumn Charity Ball

This wonderfully autumnal event was organised by two community supporters – Fiona Tomlinson and Lisa Courtney- Cook – who were joined by more than 160 guests to raise funds for charities close to their hearts, one of which was Kids Inspire.

The passionate supporters said: “We wanted to do something for Kids Inspire as we have both been touched by the impact that the charity has made within the local community. Although hard work, we really did enjoy the ball and were so happy with the outcome.”

We are currently setting up for our own Alpine Winter Ball, so really know the effort and organisation that goes into an event like this. We don’t think that Fiona and Lisa have been put off – so we wish you luck with your next event!

Race to Relocate

It was the local community that REALLY made our first 150-minute static bike race come to life and so much fun. With thanks to our enthusiastic venue and host (local gym – Unique Results) teams of up to four helped us by cycling to raise funds towards our BIG move next year.

James from Unique Results commented: “What an AMAZING evening at UR! We held a ‘race to relocate’ for local children’s charity Kids Inspire (raising funds for a move of premises). Participants were made up of members of Unique Results, local business teams & a team from Kids Inspire as well. The ‘winners covered 56miles in the 2.5 hours.”

Local organisations Kier ConstructionMidas Underwriting and Nexus Network also made up teams in the race alongside our very own ‘Team Kids Inspire’. Look out for the next Race to Relocate – the fun will be taking place again soon.

School girls very own Christmas Appeal

A local school girl has started a campaign to donate Christmas presents to less fortunate children. Five-year-old Darcey Strutt, of Burnham-on-Crouch, was inspired after her mum Jade explained what a charity was. The pair researched some local children’s charities and decided to support our Christmas Appeal.

Darcey’s mum, Jade, has been supporting Darcey all the way and said: “At the Carnival this year, Darcey asked why people put the money in the buckets as the floats passed by, I explained that the money was for charity, this was what started the conversation about charity and the idea for this campaign.”

We can’t wait to meet Darcey in the coming weeks when she pops in to help our volunteer elves to wrap some gifts . Last year’s Christmas Appeal gifted 500 children and 100 families with food hampers.

 These three ‘shout-outs’ is just that – just three stories from so many wonderful acts of kindness that we witness at Kids Inspire. We will continue to share these wonderful community supporter stories on our blog as we truly are grateful to each and every idea, challenge and event that is in our name.

Thank you all, your kindness and generosity go a long way.