Kids Inspire

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Funder spotlight: KFC Foundation

Our funders and supporters come from all walks of life, from corporate organisations to individual fundraisers. We have been fortunate for a while now to receive unrestricted funding support from KFC (yes, the chicken place!) who have set up the KFC Foundation to grant and recognise not-for-profit and charitable organisations in the UK.  

The KFC Foundation was set up in 2015 and has since paid out grants totalling £3 million to charity partners.

Read here what they have to say:

“The mission of the KFC Foundation is to support local charities in the UK that nurture young people so they can look back in years to come and feel proud of where they are. The mission is inspired by our founder, the Colonel, who wasn’t born successful or with privilege and had lived many lives by the time he opened his first KFC at the age of 65. We believe that potential to achieve something great lies within everyone, they just need to be given the chance to unlock it. So the KFC Foundation works with local charities to give young people spaces to socialise, the chance to find a job and people to speak to; so they can look back in years to come and feel proud of where they are, just like the Colonel.”

Today, we want to highlight and thank the ongoing and essential support of the KFC Foundation – their mission is in part being delivered by our experienced and expert team at Kids Inspire.

Alongside monetary support from the Foundation, we are grateful for additional fundraising activities hosted by the franchises across the South East. Support doesn’t just stop at funding as we regularly have volunteering support from team members in restaurants local to us including Southend and Basildon. 

Thank you KFC Foundation for the endorsement and recognition of what we are achieving in line with your mission, and for the healthy funding contribution made towards our work in Essex.