Kids Inspire

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Coronavirus: Useful kid-friendly guides, resources & info for adults

We’re living in unprecedented times and I think we all agree that the coronavirus is forefront of everyone’s mind right now.

The Government has advice about when you may need to self-isolate and how you will need to do it.

We thought we’d pull together some useful resources that our experienced clinical team are sharing with their service-users in a way of support.

Kid-friendly guides to the coronavirus

Answering questions about the virus is a bit tricky with children. We don’t want to worry them unnecessarily and we don’t want to make them to feel our ‘panic’, but we do need to explain. Live Science  has done the tricky part for us and answered questions like:

“Should I be worried about getting sick?”

Or if you think a book will be more suited to your child, take time to download this short book by Manuela Molina.

Self-Isolation – looking after your mental health

We’ve seen lots of information and guidance on looking after your mental health while self-isolating, and we’ve found this has some top tips. Plus, this guide to anxiety reminds readers not to ignore their anxious feelings and offers tips to manage it.

Activities for kids

And finally, we’d like to acknowledge that plenty of our service users, as well as our supporters, will be looking for activities to do with their children. This really handy website lists plenty of ideas to keep you and your child busy and this Facebook group has plenty of ideas too!

We’ll be adding to these resources as and when we find useful stuff, so keep an eye on this page!